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Continue ShoppingTrying to find a new handbag can be a difficult task. After all, there are so many gorgeous options to choose from and so finding a leather bag that won’t fall apart within a few months of using it at an affordable price can often be tougher than it first appears.
Australian company, Lizandez bring you premium leather bags at a price point that won’t blow your budget.Leather Handbags On Sale so you can buy an affordable bag without compromising on quality. While we understand the appeal of top branded designer handbags, we also understand that not everyone can afford to pay luxury designer prices. That’s why we offer a collection of high quality handbags made from genuine leathers which have all the features of high-end bags but without the astronomical price tags.
Our collection of stunning bags includes something for everyone and every occasion. Whether you’re looking for a new day bag or you want a bag that you can use for special occasions, you’ll be spoilt for choice when you choose to buy bags from Lizandez. We offer an amazing selection of affordable leather bags which includes everything from large totes, leather briefcases and leather backpacks to traditional styled leather doctor’s bags, shoulder bags, clutch bags and more. We also stock a superb range of leather accessories to complement your chosen bag which are crafted with the same level of care and attention to detail.
By buying your new bag from us here at Lizandez, you can rest assured that you’ll be getting a product that has all the finesse and refinements usually associated with much more expensive items. Each bag is made from fine Italian leather with has been tanned using natural vegetable compounds to ensure that the finished hide is beautifully supple and rich in colour. Impressive, high quality hardware and attractive cotton linings come as standard on our bags, together with practical inner zipped compartments and slip pockets to help to keep the contents of your bag safe and organised. What’s more, just like high-end luxury products, our bags come with a dust bag, so you can store it safely when not in use and you know that while you may be buying a discounted leather handbag from Lizandez, it’s most definitely genuine.
We’ve been offering Leather Handbags On Sale since 2014 and have established an extremely loyal customer base who come back to us time and time again when they want to invest in a quality piece of leather ware. And it’s not all down to the superiority of our bags, it’s also down to our level of customer service. We’re here to help you to get the bag you need or want, by offering the very best prices, the option to buy now and pay later with AfterPay and free shipping throughout Australia. And for an extra special touch, we have a laser engraving service available to enable you to personalise some of your purchases.
So why not find out for yourself why our customers are so happy with our products and our service – and bag yourself a bargain with a discounted handbag from Lizandez?
Lizandez sell a variety of high quality leather bags online throughout Australia. We ship our leather bags Australia wide and around the World