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Continue ShoppingHow many times have you seen what appear to be Genuine Leather Handbags Australia online and once you’ve read the full description, you’ve discovered that the bags weren’t made of real leather at all?
At Lizandez we guarantee that every handbag you buy from us is made from genuine quality leather with the attention to detail you would expect from a reputable Italian brand. Each and every bag that you see in our online store has been made with care by leather specialists who know how to craft beautiful handbags that will not only stand the test of time, but actually get better with age. Whether you prefer a timeless classic top handle handbag or one of our more modern on-trend bucket or hobos, you’ll love the superior quality of the ladies’ bags we have on offer at Lizandez.
If you prefer to buy your handbags online, you’ll be more than happy with the selection available in our online store. We offer a wide variety of handbags in a variety of leathers from butter soft leathers and sleek hides to textured and saffiano finishes and full grain leather. Whether you’re looking for a small clutch style to finish off an evening ensemble or you need a well-constructed sturdy tote to carry all your daily essentials, you’ll find a real leather handbag to suit your needs and taste at Lizandez.
Browse through our collections now and you’ll see while our bags may not carry a coveted designer logo or the price tag to match, they do have all the design features and flair you would expect from much more expensive items. Our bags are made with a careful eye for detail and include special touches such as high-quality hardware, cotton linings and practical internal zipped compartments and slip pockets to make it easier to organise the contents. We have bags that are suitable for daytime use together with stunning clutches and bags that are stylish enough to take you from work to the cocktail bar.
Whether you’re looking for a new handbag to replace an old faithful or you’re finding it hard to resist adding yet another tote or satchel to your ever-growing collection, you’ll find it easy to buy genuine leather bags online from us here at Lizandez. Simply place your order with us and we’ll ship it to you, wherever you happen to be in Australia. We offer a variety of payment options from credit card payments to PayPal, Apple Pay and AfterPay, where you can buy your favourite bag now and pay for it later.
And if you want your new bag to really stand out from the rest, why not consider our personalisation service where we laser engrave your name or initials onto the leather? With six different fonts to choose from, it will add an extra touch of luxury to your new leather purchase.
If you have any queries about our handbags or any of our leather products, please get in touch with our customer service team on 1300 412 668 And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter for details of new arrivals, special offers and sales.
Lizandez sell a variety of high quality Leather Bags Online throughout Australia and the world. We ship our leather bags Australia wide and around the World.